Top 4 Reasons Why the Hybrid Work Setup Is Here to Stay -

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Top 4 Reasons Why the Hybrid Work Setup Is Here to Stay

Top 4 Reasons Why the Hybrid Work Setup Is Here to Stay

Top 4 Reasons Why the Hybrid Work Setup Is Here to Stay

For the longest time, being employed has always meant leaving your home every day to spend
an average of eight hours at the workplace performing your duties, coming home at the end of
the day to rest, and repeating this cycle the next work day. This typically takes place five days a

However, the global pandemic changed all that. Because of the mobility restrictions that were
put into place for safety, companies and employees discovered a different way of working.
Remote work enabled people to perform their responsibilities at home or in other locations
outside of the office. As COVID-19 lockdowns were lifted, remote work has evolved into a more
hybrid structure.

The hybrid work setup is a more location-flexible working arrangement that allows people to
combine on-site and off-site work as they see fit.
Industry giants such as Google, Microsoft, Twitter and Facebook have adopted this model,
leading more companies worldwide to assess its benefits and evaluate how it can be adapted
according to their niches and roles.
In addition, human resource (HR) departments also had to redevelop their talent management
practices to realign job descriptions with the new working arrangements and properly support
employees during the transition.


4 Common Hybrid Working Models

These are four of the most commonly adopted hybrid working models:

● Flexible or at-will

This model allows employees to choose the work arrangement that suits their circumstances
best. On any given day, you can opt to come to the office to work or to complete your tasks at
home or in another remote location.

● Blended or split-week
The most popular model, the blended or split-week hybrid model, calls for splitting the week
between working on-site two to three days a week or working from home two to three days a

● Shifting
For some companies, assigning team members to work in shifts is an efficient way to divide the
time employees spend on-site and off-site. For example, an employee can alternate working
from home and at the office in the morning or evening, as assigned.

● Week-by-week
For this hybrid model, employees alternate between working in the office and working from
home on a weekly basis.


5 Reasons Why More Companies Are Adopting the Hybrid Work Model

Regardless of the hybrid work model implemented, business owners and employees alike have
observed the overall positive impact of hybrid working. Here are the top five reasons why it's
safe to say that the hybrid work setup is genuinely here to stay:

1. Employees find that they are more productive when working hybrid.
Working both in the traditional workplace and in remote locations, such as at home or shared
spaces, has helped employees identify where they are most productive.

For some, having a designated desk or space at the office, specifically designed and equipped
for their defined roles, makes them more focused and productive.
On the other hand, other employees find that spending less time on the daily commute, being
able to take breaks when they choose, and setting up their work area at home have helped
them become more effective and efficient in getting work done.

2. Employees experience increased job satisfaction when they have flexible hybrid
working options.
Compared to pre-pandemic years when most employees could only work exclusively within the
official workplace, and during post-pandemic periods when some employees could only work
solely at home or remotely, having the choice today to work in either setup has helped people
feel more satisfaction in their ability to perform their roles.
Being free to choose where they work enables them to be as productive as they aim to be,
positively affecting how they view their performance and contribution to the organizations they
work for.

3. Employees can better manage self-care and improve their mental health and
well-being under hybrid working conditions.
During the pandemic, becoming isolated due to lockdowns significantly affected mental well-
being across global workplaces. Staying in the same place for prolonged periods, having limited
face-to-face interaction with other people, and being restricted from activities and experiences
they used to enjoy all caused varying levels of uncertainty, anxiety, loneliness, and overall
Lifting mobility restrictions and introducing hybrid work arrangements did much to improve
psychological wellness among employees. Returning to previous routines (in varying degrees)
and now being free to choose the work setup they are most comfortable adopting helped
relieve negative emotions and improve mental health for workers.

4. Companies have gained access to an expanded (often global) talent pool,
resulting in a more diverse workforce.
Because remote work has allowed employees to work from anywhere, this also means that
they can now apply for job roles with companies in different cities, states or countries.
Likewise, companies are no longer restricted to hiring employees within a limited location (e.g.,
candidates living near the office headquarters or main building). As such, their talent
acquisition processes can be reworked to tap into highly educated and skilled talent from
practically any corner of the world. That's because hybrid work setups allow for quick and
convenient virtual meetings, video conferences, and a wide range of communication,
productivity and file-sharing tools.

5. Companies can enjoy savings on standard overhead costs.
Now that physical offices are no longer 100% occupied every day of the week (thus reducing
the overall office footprint), companies find that they are gaining substantial savings on the
associated overhead expenses such as rent, utilities, staff management, insurance, cleaning and
maintenance, and such. These resources could then be re-allocated towards more pressing

The Future of Work Is Hybrid

The hybrid work setup has produced a revolutionary flexible, people-centric work environment
with enhanced productivity, better work-life balance, improved mental wellness, greater
collaboration among a diverse workforce, significant overhead savings and reduced office
footprint. Employers and their teams can look forward to even more efficient and effective
work environments in the years to come.


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