Administrative assistant interview questions & Answers: -

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Administrative assistant interview questions:

Administrative assistant interview questions & Answers:

Administrative jobs always demand multitasking candidates that can efficiently complete a good range of tasks. Indeed, these tasks include filing documents, answering phones, preparing reports, data entry, organization of meetings and many other tasks. So, before going for an interview, it is good to read and understand the administrative assistant interview questions and answers.

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Admin assistant interview questions with Answers:

1) Why do you think that you can be a good administrative assistant and how you would contribute to our team?

This is the most general question asked in the interview, but it should be answered in the best way. Describe ti the panel that you have an idea about the administrative assistant job and there you have to play many roles. Show your potential motivation and dedication that how you can make a good impact on the success of their organization.


2) Are you an effective team player and how well you can work with others?

If this question is asked in the interview, then your answer must be yes. Good administrative assistance has to interact and work with various teams of the organizations. Tell them about your potential influential skills to lead and direct employees by collaborating with the essential skills.


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3) Can you work under pressure or stressed conditions?

This question is most tricky in the category of administrative assistant interview questions and should be answered by being honest. If you are an open person and can take criticism, tell them that you can work under the pressurized conditions, and will not feel stress about it.

Don’t forget to tell that this criticism should be related to improvement in work quality. It will not create any kind of panic or stress for working as an administrative assistant.


4) Tell me something about your past job, the things you enjoyed about that job and why you liked that?

Among administrative assistant interview questions, this question is not technical and is generally asked to know about your past experience and management skills. This is the best way to tell them that what thing you like in a working environment, and what kind of situation annoys you most. It is a fact that the administrative assistants have to deal with many people and their behavior. So, it is a good option to tell what kind of behaviors and conditions you didn’t like in the past job.


5) Are you comfortable communicating with people?

This question is basically asked to know about your written and verbal communication skills. Most often administrative assistants have to answer phone calls, where you may be busy with other tasks, but you must have to attend the call with calmness and greatness.

So, tell them about your humbleness, and patience to handle a high volume of phone calls, along with performing other tasks. You should discuss your past experience for handling the phone calls and answering the questions without any adverse effect on your work efficiency and courteous manners. Must talk about completing the assigned tasks by organizing them on a priority basis.


6) What are the important skills that administrative assistants must possess to efficiently complete the tasks?

The interviewers ask this question, to know about your strengths, and your opinion, so it is the best opportunity for mapping your skills according to the job description. Name all the skills that you have, but don’t mention at the start that you are having these skills.

Tell them about the organizational skills, that how these skills can help the administrative assistants to coordinate the team for performing specific tasks. While answering this question, must focus on time management skills for performing tasks and scheduling important meetings.

Discussion about communication and computer skills can make your answer most effective as these skills are vital for performing administrative assistant tasks with great efficiency.

The above-mentioned questions are the most common administrative assistant interview questions to ask the employer. So, before going for a job interview, understanding the administrative assistant interview questions and answers can greatly help you to secure your position for the administrative assistant post.

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